DBSync Cloud Replication for Salesforce – Released

DBSync Cloud Replication 3.0 is here with many new features.

Highlights and features of DBSync’s Cloud Replication 3.0:

Automating the creation of Schema for Salesforce data, thereby reducing a Database Administrators involvement in maintaining schemas. (Huge time saver…)
One of the biggest challenges in replication and archiving in an application like Salesforce is that you “the setup changes”. Its very easy to add a field to an object in Salesforce. Most traditional ETL tools require you to update the maps and your data store. Not anymore with our tool !!!. DBSync Cloud Replication automatically detects changes in schema and accordingly adds the relevant columns to your table.

Complete or incremental download of Salesforce data.
One simple to perform complete download or incremental download of your Salesforce data. We take care of all the heavy lifting of understanding and managing Salesforce API, batching, managing database resources.

Uploading data from local data store into Salesforce
Unlike most archiving tools, we also provide you with an easy mechanism to upload data. You can upload one or more related tables in a single request without worrying about managing newly created salesforce ids across your local data store. You can now manage not only integration’s, but also data migration, be it from other CRM’s like Epicor, Seibel or moving data between two different salesforce orgs.

Support for activities, attachments, articles and more.
Many Salesforce objects do not lend itself for replication. We have put in special handling of these tables so that you don’t have to worry about it. It handles all the issues and leverages best practices to perform the replication.

In-built scheduling capability.
Our earlier versions required you to use Linux Cron or Windows Scheduler. Along with it we have added an in-built Scheduler so that you can manage all your managed scheduled tasks in one single place.

Ability to embed replication engine within in-house applications.
Now DBSync engine is available as a Java jar file where you can embed within your own application. This expands its capability for support for web API as well as embedded.

To learn more and get started with our new release please check our products page at DBSync Cloud Replication

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