11 Reasons why Customers want to integrate or outgrow QuickBooks

While Quickbooks is a boon to small and medium businesses, you hit a wall as you grow to what all you can do with it.

This is a list of few points that companies face and require either integration, data extracts or even a reason to upgrade to a more sophisticated accounting package.

1. Requirement for segregation of duties and stronger financial controls
2. Need for improved visibility, actionable data, robust reporting and analysis
3. Limited Chart of Accounts hinders necessary reporting formats
4. Seeking stronger scalability, availability, security and auditability
5. Need to improve business efficiency via automation
6. Need to systematize business processes
7. Requirement to manage multiple currencies and/or multiple business units, consolidated financials
8. Requirement to integrate with other key systems
9. Concurrent / distributed use by more users
10. Concern for performance, extensibility, scalability and reliability
11. Extensive reliance on Excel spreadsheets to prepare financial statements & overcome other shortcomings of QuickBooks

Here’s our demo of Microsoft Dynamics CRM & QuickBooks integration:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM & QuickBooks integration

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