Category: Automation

7 Key Benefits of Systems Integration for Businesses

Imagine this scenario: you run a thriving business, but you’re constantly bogged down by inefficiencies and communication breakdowns between different departments. You need to spend more time manually transferring data between systems, and customer complaints are starting to pile up. Sound familiar? It’s time to consider system integration. Bringing together all your business’s systems and

How Embedded Integration Helps SaaS Companies Scale and Improve Customer Experience

The use of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications has skyrocketed in the business world over the past few years.  With their benefits of being more cost-effective, scalable and easier to use, SaaS products offer an attractive option for companies looking to optimize efficiency and operational performance.  However, integrating these products with one another, as

Application or Data Integration: What sets them apart?

In today’s Information & technology industry, Application integration and data integration are two essential elements; these are often used interchangeably. Though both of these are generally cloud based technologies, but have huge differences between the two. On one side, Application integration helps connect different software applications so that they can share data and information, on

Why Analyzing Sales Data Is Important for Businesses

High-performing sales teams use data as the foundation for their success. Whether looking to increase sales, maximize profit, grow the sales team or beat the competition,  Sales leaders have more than enough data readily available in their customer relationship management (CRM), and/or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Many companies implement a CRM system and push